Workers’ Compensation Claims Management (Level 1)
In-Person Session 70 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaThe world of workers’ compensation can be complex and frustrating for those responsible for managing WSIB claims.
The world of workers’ compensation can be complex and frustrating for those responsible for managing WSIB claims.
Workers’ Compensation Claims Management Level 2 is a more advanced workshop covering more complex worker’s compensation topics.
This session will provide an overview of appeal time-limits and how to file objections. The focus will be on strategic considerations related to when and why objections should be filed, and whether a formal appeal should be pursued to the Appeals Services Division and when.
This session will discuss how Second Injury and Enhancement Fund (SIEF) relief of costs is adjudicated and applied to claim costs.
The Ontario workers’ compensation system has undergone significant changes in the past year that affect employers. This webinar will review the key developments and lessons learned from the past year and discuss how to prepare for the future of workers' compensation.
This comprehensive session will review Second Injury and Enhancement Fund (SIEF) relief of costs for Schedule 1 employers: How it is adjudicated, when and how to apply and when to object/appeal.
The Ontario workers’ compensation system continues to evolve, presenting new and ongoing challenges for employers. In this complimentary webinar, we will review the key developments and lessons learned from the past year and discuss how to prepare for the future of workers' compensation.
This virtual strategy session will provide a comprehensive overview of WSIA Section 40 and 41 obligations: what they are, how to navigate them and potential implications if found in breach.